Weimar Arts Festival

21.08. – 07.09.2019

The year 2019 brings with it such an abundance of Weimar anniversaries, as we ourselves will hardly experience them again at such a crystallization point of cultural history: The 200th anniversary of the publication joins the anniversaries of the founding of Bauhaus and the passing of the Weimar Constitution of Goethe's West-Ost Divan. But even with the all-German commemoration days - 80 years outbreak of the Second World War and 30 years fall of the Berlin Wall - you could fill your own festival or discourse programs. That is why the Kunstfest 2019 simply calls out "The Weimar Year" - for a very contemporary reception and reflection of Weimar cultural history.

It's easy to write and harder to implement - especially when a new Artistic Director and his team want to "conquer" a city. In recent months we have become aware in talks with Weimarers that there are very different ideas of what the art festival actually is or should be. This is probably related to the very diverging conceptual design that the festival has experienced over its rather short history since 1990. We now want to face the challenge of reconciling these different concepts.

The art festival will continue to be a FEST that brings the various stage arts in dialogue with film and video, visual arts and architecture, as well as with the street arts. A special focus is now on contemporary music theater formats and participative projects.


Secure your tickets early! As a DNT subscriber, you can purchase tickets for the Art Festival at discounted prices. The full program can be found (soon) here in the game plan as well as on
