© Candy Welz
© Candy Welz
© Candy Welz
© Candy Welz
© Candy Welz
© Candy Welz
© Candy Welz
© Candy Welz
© Candy Welz
© Candy Welz
© Candy Welz
© Candy Welz
© Candy Welz
© Candy Welz
© Candy Welz
© Candy Welz
© Candy Welz
© Candy Welz
© Candy Welz
© Candy Welz
© Candy Welz
© Candy Welz
  • Studiobühne
  • Premiere 28.01.2020
  • Duration 0 h 50 min
  • Age age 4 and older

Queen of Colors

Music theatre by André Kassel based on the picture book by Jutta Bauer · World Premiere

Stage adaptation by Judith Drühe and Ioana Petre


Queen Malwida rules over the heavenly empire of colours. When she calls, her subjects come and make her life brilliant. But Blue, Red and Yellow also have a mind of their own which can make living together a bit chaotic at times. With simple means and beautifully composed music, we depict Jutta Bauer’s poetic story in bright new colours. In this production, Red, Blue and Yellow are accompanied by the instruments which intensify their impact. For colour and music are integral parts of our lives and are ideal mediums for expressing our feelings.

 Ioana Petre has been an assistant director at the DNT since the 2017/18 season. She has staged several plays for children at the Teatrul Ion Creanga in Bucharest. The »Queen of Colours« is her directing debut in Weimar.

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»Aus Bildern werden Töne. Farben und Gefühle werden in Klänge umgewandelt. Sopranistin Emma Moore aus dem Musiktheater-Ensemble des DNT gelingt es, die Titelrolle so packend aus Kindersicht zu spielen, dass ihre jungen Zuschauer von Anfang an ganz Auge und Ohr sind. [...] Knapp 50 Minuten dauert die Aufführung, Langeweile kommt zu keiner Sekunde auf. Temperamentvoll, kreativ und einfallsreich zaubert sich ›Die Königin der Farben‹ in die Herzen.«
(Thüringer Allgemeine, 29.01.2020, Christiane Weber)

  • André Kassel (Musikalische Leitung)
  • Ioana Petre (Regie)
  • Josephine Kapust (Bühne und Kostüme)
  • Judith Drühe (Dramaturgie)
  • Heike Porstein (Königin der Farben)
  • Almut Bormann / Veronika Lauer (Viola)
  • Elisabeth Anetseder (Harfe)
  • Matthias Demme / Jan Doormann (Klarinette)
  • Staatskapelle Weimar
Fri 09.08.2024 // 10.00 o´clock Resumption


Sun 11.08.2024 // 16.00 o´clock


Thu 15.08.2024 // 10.00 o´clock


Fri 16.08.2024 // 10.00 o´clock
