© Institut für Demokratie und Zivilgesellschaft
© Institut für Demokratie und Zivilgesellschaft
  • Foyer

Foyer talk

"Energy Crisis, Right-Wing Mobilization and Democratic Counter-Strategies"

Since September 2022, right-wing and conspiracy-ideological actors have been mobilizing against the policies of the German government in the context of the energy crisis and the Russian war of aggression on Ukraine under terms such as »Wutwinter« and »heißer Herbst«. Unlike the protests for an autumn of solidarity, however, concrete energy and social policy demands rarely play a role there. Rather, the mobilization from the far right is in continuity with the earlier protests against asylum policy and the Corona policy. What is behind the protests, where are they heading? In February 2023, we look back at the fall and winter and ask how democratic civil society and politics have responded - and what this means for progressive climate and energy policies. We would like to discuss this with our panelists from academia, civil society, and politics.

A series of events in cooperation with the Institute for Democracy and Civil Society Jena (IDZ)

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